So, Spring has Sprung – but be mindful of the dangers of cleaning the patio for your pets…
People seem to be getting their gardens ready for the Spring. The Veterinary Poisons Information Service has reported a rise in calls about patio cleaners. The ingredients of these cleaners can differ; however, most contain Benzalkonium chloride (BAC), which is also found in a lot of household cleaning products.
The primary effects of BAC are due to its irritancy- systemic effects are uncommon. Common signs include drooling, irritation to the mouth, and inappetence. There may also be irritation to the skin, with inflammation and hair loss. Concentrated solutions may cause chemical burns. Signs are often delayed, and animals can present hours later.
When using these products on your patio in the coming months, make sure you use them as directed (diluted if appropriate), keep your pets away during use, and make sure they can not get into the product when not in use!
IF you have any concerns please contact us immediately.