It’s not unusual for us to see patients that may have come off the worst after a game of chase with a bee or wasp.
Kittens and some older cats may be drawn in with their hunting instinct and catch and try to eat a wasp or a bee. Any swelling or if they get stung in or around the tongue or inside the mouth we would recommend bringing them down to see us. Any swelling that may compromise an airway would need prompt veterinary attention. Some cats react quite badly to stings and it can be dangerous.
A lot of stings are painful and your cat may need pain relief. A lot of human pain relief medications are unsuitable for cats. Always contact us before giving any medications. As we are open 7 days a week with our 3 clinics open until lunchtime Saturday and Foxrock open Sundays & Bank Holidays we recommend you ring us and we can advise you on what is appropriate for your pets condition. He may require pain relief or medication depending upon the scale of the reaction.
Some home first aid advice regarding stings if you cannot get veterinary care is:
- Stings: Pull out the sting, bathe the area in water and apply a solution of bicarbonate of soda (bee sting) or diluted vinegar (wasp).
Remember if your cat is sore, scared or distressed it may act out of character and bite or scratch. Often with stings, it is more appropriate for your cats to be brought to the clinic.