Dun Laoghaire 01 280 2041
Foxrock 01 289 5335
Kilmacud 01 278 0480

Poinsettia – Protect Your Pets

Popular but Harmful…

With Christmas fast approaching it is important to be aware of some dangers that you may be inadvertently exposing your pet to. The poinsettia is a very popular Christmas plant which is toxic to cats and dogs. The white sap found in poinsettia contains the chemicals diterpenoid euphorbol esters which are toxic. 

What to Watch Out For

If the plant is ingested it can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach resulting in drooling, vomiting or diarrhoea. In sever cases it can cause seizures, coma and death. Therefore it is best the plant be kept out of reach of your pets.

Fortunately it takes a large amount of the plant to be eaten to cause poisoning and most pets would be deterred from the irritation. However, if your pet exhibits any of these symptoms listed above please contact our clinic.
