Dun Laoghaire 01 280 2041
Foxrock 01 289 5335
Kilmacud 01 278 0480

Step on the Scales Please

Spring has ‘sprung’ and after those long cold dark winter months, the waistlines have probably ‘sprung’ too; perhaps a little more than we hoped! Less exercise and more of sitting by the fire is, of course, far more appealing than battling against the cold north wind, but I’m afraid it’s no more hiding from the scales pets! 

If you think that the pounds have piled on, then perhaps it is time you and your owner popped into our surgery for a ‘weigh in’. Wrong diet, lack of exercise and overeating can all contribute to you being overweight and unfortunately can cause heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

We humans have to make sure our diet suits our needs and it is the same for your pets. It is quite important that the food you eat is appropriate for your ae and contains all the correct ingredients to help towards keeping you active, healthy and to maintain the right weight. With advice from us about the type of food, suitable exercise, and with regular weigh-ins, your pet should soon start to shed those extra pounds.

Remember, dieting does not have to be boring, just think more walks, games, nutritious tasty food to eat as well as plenty of fuss, praise, and attention for doing so well. See it’s not that bad and it’s all for your own good!